Friday, June 6, 2008

Dont know what's with Singaporeans nowadays!
*Turns off. Goddamn, just came back from 7-11
after meeting Jolene.
Damn pissed off! Was at 7-11 after Jolene went back,
when 2 indians created trouble for the foreign staff in 7-11
Cannot stand it!
The staff is abiding by the rule,
that no outsiders can use the toilet.
Then the man went to open the plastic of a hairspray.
Purposely threw it on the floor,
and said it was the staff who dropped it,
and that he's so not gonna pay for it.
What the hell! I stood up for the staff (My friend hor!) x]
Then the stupid indian guy question if I saw it.
(Censored)! So I was like, yes, I saw you opening it.
Why are you making life hard for the guy!?
Then he scolded me some vulgarities.
Urgh, I've a damn bad feeling and biaseness towards indians now.
Then that guy and woman still went on to ask me to f off.
(Censored handsign) for them!

Okay, chill.
These few days hasn't been blogging.
The day before (04 June), went to see Derrick off to Brunei.
Terminal 2, see him in another 20 days I guess! [:
Shall upload photos of yesterday, later I guess!

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