Sunday, May 11, 2008

Seven Things That You Dislike the Most:
1. Copycats
2. Being labeled/ discriminated, people who pretend to know you! (Irritating!)
3. Rejected for anything
4. Being ignored! -.-
5. Flirts!
6. Bootlickers (Angkat!)
7. Being maligned!

Seven Things You Like the Most:
1. Volleyball!
2. Girlfriends outing
3. Stayovers/ Overnights
4. Ice Skating
5. My teammates and coach
6. Walking in town, carrying lots of shopping bags! :D
7. Sweet stuffs! Like Pocky!

Seven Important Things In Your Room:
1. Aircon!
2. Computer
3. Wardrobe (Hahaha!)
4. The door :D
5. Charger
6. My cozy bed of course :D
7. Storybooks (Surprised?!)

Seven Random Facts About You:
1. I have two sisters
2. I'm around 166cm tall (Wee-u-weet, I believe I can grow!)
3. I like designing!
4. I'm single (Hahaha!)
5. I like star gazing
6. I was laterally transferred from E to NA
7. I'm a girl (?!) Hahaha

Seven Things You Plan to Do Before You Die:
1. Reside in, what I think is a dreamhouse
2. Travel to exotic places (Eygpt?!)
3. Skydive!
4. Love truly, madly, deeply
5. Stand under a waterfall (Hahaha!)
6. Fall asleep in someone's arms ^^
7. See a Meteor shower or Aurora (Better still, both!)

Seven Things You Find Attractive in the Opposite Sex:
1. When they're being serious in something they're good at :D
2. If he's tall tall tall! (Woohooo)
3. Great sense of humor
4. When he shows he's interested in what you have
5. Great voice
6. Good hugger (Hahaha!)
7. Natural

Seven Celebrity Crushes:
1. Does Zac Effron counts as one {?}
2. Daniel Radcliffe {?} Although he's not handsome anymore. Haha!
3. Brad Pitt (Hahaha!)
4. I cant think of anymore!
5. *Gives jiaobin*
6. -
7. -

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