Monday, April 28, 2008

Hello everyone ^^
I've decided to reward myself, by blogging
for finishing the damn bloody hard mothertongue paper!
Hohoh. Not much happenings lately.
Been mugging damn hard.
Tomorrow's Social-studies. I didn't study for it ]:
Went to Jurong-e library to study.
It was damn packed! Kind of expected though.
We studied hard, camwhored hard ^^
I ♥ My Love& Jiali!
The people there :D
---------------------------------------Fabian& Weixiang lookalike.
Hahaha, Fabian and Weixiang look alike!
Qijian was verrrrrry serious! Rawr!
And, tsk, he is very bad at giving exmaples!
So he loves to use real life people as examples!

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