Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Eeeeewww. Todays paper is (censored)
Big time! I cant stand this anymore =.=
I did 15 minutes of Physic paper today. Only.
Out of a long 1h 30min.
The reason being- I dont know how to do!
Well well. All THANKS to MR CHEW
for being such a nice Physics teacher.
Luckily, tomorrow being a holiday.
I can mug Chemistry like abcdefg to make up for Physic.
Oh, but Maths suprisingly was good.
There's still a paper 2 though.
Well, I think later going to volley :D
I'll go mug now!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Hello everyone ^^
I've decided to reward myself, by blogging
for finishing the damn bloody hard mothertongue paper!
Hohoh. Not much happenings lately.
Been mugging damn hard.
Tomorrow's Social-studies. I didn't study for it ]:
Went to Jurong-e library to study.
It was damn packed! Kind of expected though.
We studied hard, camwhored hard ^^
I ♥ My Love& Jiali!
The people there :D
---------------------------------------Fabian& Weixiang lookalike.
Hahaha, Fabian and Weixiang look alike!
Qijian was verrrrrry serious! Rawr!
And, tsk, he is very bad at giving exmaples!
So he loves to use real life people as examples!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Again. I touched, the forbidden computer!
Alright, this would be the last time before midyear :x
Hahaha! Unbelievable. The exam mood suddenly sprang upon me,
and its somehow spreading like wildfire. Everywhere.
The moment I think of Bingshu, Sean-goh studying.
I feel pressurized! The usual jokers are... STUDYING (?!)
Oh my, oh my.
I do hope I can meet my own expectations!

It's ironic, just like the story which was never told.
and lovers who never got together.
The one you love, disappoints you so.

I'm off, to study! my letter writing format already!
Goodluck to all! :D

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sleepless night! Cannot get to sleep,
but all the Chemistry is not going into my head! :[
I'm feeling tired can (?!) But, the bed doesnt beckons me.
Suddenly misses Miss Cai Enchun, & Mr Jeremy Tan!
Mr gay Chen is alright, just that he's a little too gay.
But, Mr Chew is really one big (censored)!
Well, not much high hopes for midyear.
So must must must get really good for end of year.
For midyear, I hope-
A for English,
B for combined Sciences,
Pass for Humanities,
A for Accounts,
? for Maths&
Pass Mothertongue.

That's satisfactory already.
Cannot be so greedy, since slacked in class.
But while killing myself in the process of burning midnight oil,
I hope I can achieve all those! :D

I believe I can fly. Hahaha! x]

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Yesterday's photo. Haha. I can see Ms seah! :D

I feel so tired today!
I can barely absorb what I'm studying.
Had Chinese oral just now.
Bound to fail, I predict.
Met up with Jolene just now. Wee u weet :D
Now at home, and off to study!

Tsktsk- I touched the computer again!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Urghs, absolutely cannot resist touching the computer.
I'm getting myself F9 in the state I'm at.
I dont seem to understand/ or can concentrate in class.

Went to Queensway the other day, so disappointed.
There were like only two stores containing volleyball stuffs.
Zzz! Damn. I want see shoes! x]

I miss training super much! ]:
I think all my ball sense flyaway already.

Friday, April 18, 2008

因为失去你- 发现, 迷失的我不想找回自己
突然, 很期待爱, 却让你夺走的期望- 真的好难过

回忆过去, 痛苦的相思忘不了
为何你还来, 拨动我心跳?

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sighs! Baby, Im back!
Havent blogged for a full 15 days alr!
Damn, no mood.
Haha, anyway I've caught Three Kingdoms& Flood
Not really very interesting at all.
MYE came a little too soon :x
Will be mugging I guess.
So yeah, posting will have to wait after MYE! :D

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
This was so long ago.
Everything was so nice and fine.

Went to watch vantage point few days back.
The show was 4.5/5 stars.
Must watch!

I'm currently-
So crushed, so disgusted by my volleyball skills.
I should just hang myself.
Laugh out loud.