Monday, February 25, 2008

Melvin birthday& Acupuncture

Yesterday was Melvin's birthday [:
Celebrated it on the 23rd.
Feels much like a class gathering, hahah.
Went with Jasmine, Ivy& Yuxiu.
And practically was with them the whole day.
Went down and slack at the playground in the afternoon.

There was this cute little boy,
Melvin's cousin I think. Damn cute!
But. How to say, very arrogant? Lol!
He had undoubtly PMS.
Crying at one moment and laughing the next.
Melvin had to hoax him all the way till he went home lah.

Had a sleepover, while I asked many weird questions. xD
Like eg- If Isabelle was nude in front of them, what would they do.
HAHAHA. Everyone felled asleep in the end I think at around 4.30.
I woked up at 7.50 then went home, to go to Sunday training.
Which was tedious! Zzz.

Today didnt go to school,
woke up and felt like my brain was falling out!
Then went to the chinese physician.
Did acuppuncture to some old injuries which hurts alot.


Above: Melvin cake cutting :D

Above [Left to Right]: Melvin like a nanny :D
: Supposingly Melvin's cousin, running around with a ball bigger than his head
: Photo-taking with the guys :D

Above: Ivy, Yuxiu& Jasmine

Above: The acupuncture needle! 0.0

Old Photo:
Above: Mr Jeremy Tan relieved us, and his chinese was real bad!
Look at the 'liu' word!

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