Thursday, August 28, 2008

I feel unglam, weak& ugly these days. ):
I'm going to create a new blog.
*Tsk* New blog, new beginning (?!)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I feel like a geek. (Inserts a jiaobin here)
Everyday is like, filled with studies.
While at times difting off from studies to Redemption!
Many of my dearest friends birthday are coming...
Take this space& time to
wish them a most happy advanced Birthday! &
Warning: Long post ahead!

On the 26th August. Jolene Oh.
No matter how far we drifted apart, we will drift back again.
Wont we? (: Has it been already 1& a half year?
It seems so long since everything.
Everything will be etched. All the wrong/stupid/etc things.
& Especially all our small little tiffs& dumb arguments :D
No matter how close you're to anyone else,
I must be remembered okay! Hahahaha.
Because we've done so much for each other.
Because we had been so close.
Because we've been there for each other...
Everything will go well for you I believe! (Insert hearts!)

Next up, on 30th August. Yangjiaqi.
We've known each other for like what, since primary 2 till now.
7 years or more? (:
I can remember our immature talks& quarrels in primary 6!
The one I have confided in since as long as I can remember!
We really did drift apart for many a times.
And volleyball kind of brought us back together? :D
Then comes Redemption. And all the silly little talks.
The study times?! Hahahaha.
Nonsensical times, nervous audition...
& The times where you have to wait for me while I prepared!
I'm sure you'll never forget ;D
But I know, you'll love me still. (Inserts heart!)
Dont stress out, because you'll do well.
In studies& Redemption. Jyjy!

On the 9th September. Geraldine, Zihui.
Remember how we disliked each other during sec 1s!
Hahaha. What a joke. And now we're Aiai(s) :D
Been through distrust/quarrels/tiffs.
I know you're always letting in... (:
I thank you for that. I love you!
All the times we've been together.
Now you have your friend I assume.
And I have mine. But at least...
We still have school times to be with. Yeah.
I hope you'll be truthful, because I do trust you tons!
And you'll have my faith (:
I can remember how well we clicked in sec 2.
How we speak using same words...
Agree in many aspects. (Insert hearts!)
Hold your love for him prison.
Despite others thinking, I'll stand up for you.

Monday, August 18, 2008

When everything is falling apart. (Sad emoticon here)
Life is = unfair.
Everything always likes to go haywire,
all at the same time.
I feel a thousand daggers. I see all the haters.
I have to thank everyone that was so understanding,
and that was by me all these while.
All my hopes dashed. How to pick up the pieces (?)

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Who'll see the tears when it is at the darkest of night?
A place so fond of memories.
I'm giving up. No more picking of pieces.
The verdict is made. The jury is clear.
It spells gameover. Here I am, once again.

To whom does the line between wrong and right matters?
You make your stand. To be blinded by your so called facts.
Nothing will ever matters.
Not anymore.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Is it just me.
Or is it obviously?
Not much more to say.
Not much more to be done.
I feel like just acting up/crying out.
I thought I'm becoming so numb.
But in actual fact. I can feel it stinging.
I stray away, and this is still how I feel.
There's this feeling in my stomach.
I feel all my emotions there.
So mixed up.
Maybe I need to clarify all things to make it better.
But I dont know from where do I start.
At times, it seems like pointless.
At other, I feel so affected by all this shit.
Now what...?

In the midst of celebration.
I feel like an outcast.
I cant feel the happiness.
(Inserts one big sad emoticon)
Cannot resist not touching the computerrrrrrr :o
So I stole the keyboard from my mother :x
Thus, here's a random post.
Today's my Mum's birthday! Yay.
Even though she'll not be reading this,
but Happy Birthday to you Mummy! :D
Hahahahahaha. Just came back from west mall.
Watched The Mummy: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor.
With Jiaqi, Jasperyong& Lywei.

Kind of disgusting at some point.
Yeah, overall it was, quite nice.
Very fiction though. Rate it 4/5 stars.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Shan't be blogging for quite long.
My mum decided that I was using too much of the computer.
And she confiscated my keyboard ):
I'm too lazy to use the computer outside.
Ciaoz (:

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

So little time.
So much things that are squeezed in a few days.
Went to ITE (College West) on Monday& Tuesday.
It makes me realise, you cannot study in ITE.
The people there gave me a very bad impression.
*Whines and grumbles.
Well, finally back to school today.
But was late to school (1030am).
Went, because couldn't miss training.
Have been having training,
consecutively for more than a week already!
Well, off to bed already. Goodnight (:

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Today is a stupidly warm& stuffy tiring day!
I think I can just sleep non-stop 48 hours.
Stay awake, stay awake!
Today had our school's Sports Fiesta.
Sec 1 was Captain's ball. Sec 2 was basketball or soccer?
Whereas Sec 3 was Volleyball. Sec 4& 5 was floorball.
It is really hard/tiring/stressful.
Imma so tired.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Nothing to post. Feels one blank.
The best thing is that, my case is closed.
Training sucks. School isn't any better.
Friendships. Maybe losing = gaining more (?!)

I am finding my way back to myself.
I am finding my way back into love.
I am on my way. I am.